蜂鸟影院诚挚推荐2013年最新纪录力作《肯尼迪亡日》,为您提供完整的在线观看体验和详尽的剧情解析。这部备受关注的纪录影片,评分高达3.0分,剧情引人入胜。由Leslie Woodhead执导,Kevin Spacey,John F. Kennedy,Jacqueline Kennedy等实力派演员倾情演绎,影片语言为英语,于2013年在美国地区上映。欢迎您在蜂鸟影院免费观看《肯尼迪亡日》全集,探索其中的精彩世界。肯尼迪亡日剧情介绍:Captures the frantic rush to the local hospital, the public chaos that ensued, the quickly mobilized manhunt by law enforcement looking for a suspect after witnesses identified the source of the gunshots as the Texas Book Depository, and the clash and confusion of media and authorities as Oswald is brought in for interrogation.